The Investopedia Simulator is designed to help anyone learn the mechanics of buying and selling securities in a risk-free environment. This learning tool simulates the activities investors experience when placing orders through a broker. The Simulator provides real-time tracking for the changes in simulated investment value by showing users the performance of their investments.
You can get started by creating an account, researching stocks, options, and cryptocurrency, and executing trades. The Investopedia Simulator will track the value of your portfolio as you add or close positions. You can also compare your results to the performance of other practicing investors through Simulator games that you can join or start yourself.
- The Investopedia Simulator is a virtual trading tool designed to help potential investors improve their skills at trading and investing.
- It has powerful tools for conducting research and placing simulated trade orders.
- It tracks the value of investing positions close to real-time, with a very short delay.
- Simulator users can participate in games in which they compare their own investment performance to those of others.
Getting Started
To access the Simulator, you will need to create an account by clicking Get Started. The account is free and only requires that you specify your email, username, and password. It is useful to know that the email you provide won’t be flooded with spam because the Simulator is designed just for learning.
When you create your account, you will be automatically logged in. A new account has a default virtual balance of $100,000. This virtual money has no connection to real cash, but it can buy virtual shares that track the same as real shares.
It is easy to discover how the Investopedia Simulator works just by exploring the interface and trying out its functions. Note that there are two different environments to explore: Stocks and Crypto. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to Your Portfolio. On the top right, you’ll see the two options you can toggle between and then start trading.
Stocks Simulator Interface
The Stocks interface is divided into four functional areas: portfolio, trade, research, and games. The portfolio tab allows you to track simulated value changes for all positions you initiate. The trade tab lets you see price quotes and place orders like the functionality of an actual broker. The research tab helps you study price charts and review company information behind the stocks available for simulated trading. Lastly, the games tab allows you to join up with simulated investing competitions or even start one of your own.
Each of these functional areas can be explored quickly. It’s also comforting to know that any information you might need for defining unfamiliar terms is only a click away on the Investopedia site.